Monday, April 16, 2007

Spring Fever, Baby

Hey hey...

Well, spring is starting to poke it's sweet heeed out finally, and we all know what that means. Frisbee in the park, camping, biking, and general not wearing winter clothing. Last year I remember appreciating this time of year alot more than usual. It's quintessential redemption - we come out of the cold dark, and enjoy the warm sun. That was cheezy. Anyways, I got to wondering if people who have it hot all year round really miss out on the whole spring joy. I guess they also miss out on seasonal depression, and all in all, i'd rather see palm trees than snow - but i'm trying to be positive here. Anyways, all this to say I've been out riding my 'hog' quite a bit in the last month, and by that I mean my mountain bike. Gord Mills and I went on a little jaunt tonight (pics).

Bikes are awesome. They get you from point A to point B, you get in shape, you don't pay money for the fuel, and the only by- product is your own beautiful sweat. How good is that. Ride your bikes, my friends.
P.S - Get into the new Hillsong album "All of the above"...The song Hosanna will blow your mind.


Matt said...

Where was the invite... I got to get in on this spring time biking or I'll never be able to keep up with you and Gord.
... Anyhow, keep up the good work on the Blog buddy, I feel like I have to read it cause I haven't seen you in some time.
Give me a call.


KDees said...

I LOVE spring! Reminds me of school days when the promise of summer holidays was right around the corner! This warmer weather and the longer days of sunshine does wonders for the soul! Great blog Jon!

gord and janice said...

Excellent photo from the behind the tire! You, Matt and I will have to go for a ride this week... except that its freezing and supposed to snow. Nevermind.