Hey dudes...
Today I was at a friends place and he showed me a DVD about an orphan aid project just outside of Capetown in South Africa, I think called the Jerusalem Project. At the helm of this deal is this really beautiful overweight old lady named Iris. They interview her, and one thing she said stuck out - when asked what drove her to give up her house and job to take care of a huge amount of orphans, and what drives her to still do it, she says: "I don't know...I have no figure, i'm not smart...it's just a call"...In other words, what she's saying is - I'm not cool by the world's standards, but i've been called by God, and thats enough for me...
Heres why that rocks my world. I have no doubt that anyone reading this knows that Paris Hilton is in jail, most probably know that shes getting out this week. Isn't that awesome? We've all heard of Paris Hilton, who is famous for being an idiot, and has made tons of money doing it, but no one has or will ever know about Iris, a real hero, who is taking care of about 100 kids by herself and has given her life to do it? Maybe this is what Paul is talking about in Corinthians about the cross as foolishness...about imitating Christ and following after guys and girls like Iris who are losers by the world's standards...The idea that following Christ might mean you wont be famous isn't a new one...I doubt Paul was an extremely cool dude himself sometimes (that comforts me by the way). Friends, it's all backwards, and i'm starting to think thats what the message of the cross sounds like to people sho don't understand it.
Iris, if you ever read this, which you probably won't; please save me a nice guest room in your mansion when we get to heaven.
i just wanted to tell you that you are one of the wisest people i know.
i love you.
Such a good reminder. So true. Being a follower of Christ means taking the road less travelled. We get so caught up in the media, hype and trends of our time, placing a ridiculous amount of importance and reverance on it. Thanks for the post. It hit home.
Cyndy Toews (Bartel)
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